YOUR CAPTAIN IS INCLUDED IN THE PRICE!! Join Captain Dave Wilbar, life long sailor, a USCG 100 ton Sailing Master and American Sailing Master Instructor, for a private and "real life" sailing experience aboard his spirited 22-foot Capri sailboat, “Fireball.” This lively vessel is designed with a permanently attached, fixed wing keel; she will "heel", like all sailboats, but Fireball is safe—SHE WILL NOT TIP OVER!
The simple design of Fireball, with a tiller and roller furling jib lets you intuitively "feel" the gentle push of the wind and Fireball’s nimble response. In the Spring of 2025, she hoisted brand new sails!
Whether you just want to enjoy a day on the water without engine noise, or a seasoned sailor looking to compare your “tweaking” skills, or just wanna swap sailin' stories, Captain Dave can help you take another step towards your island sailing dream.
Captain Dave can provide all your sail training to "challenge" the American Sailing 101 certification. Please ask.
How about sailing sailing down the Elizabeth River by the Navy base for a closer look at our US Navy fleet of Carriers, Cruisers and Subs? Or a Sunset Sail 🌅
Fireball can take a sailing break, drop the “hook”, and have a refreshing adult beverage and swim. Tap into Fireball's compact Bluetooth speakers and enjoy your own playlist!
Your safety is our top priority. All USCG required safety gear, including life jackets, flares, fire extinguisher, EPIRB, and VHF radio are easily accessible. Fireball will not go out if there is a “Small Craft Advisory”Weather changes quickly here, faster than TV can report. Always contact Captain Dave if you have any weather questions.
Fireball has an outboard engine for those calm days, an ice cooler, and a porta potty.
“Tipping is never required, but always appreciated.”
Discover sailing with Captain Dave on Fireball. CARPE DIEM!